Social Responsibility

Our company focuses on deep tech solutions and thus also takes full responsibility for relevant social issues, such as fairness, education and recycling. As part of this, we participate in projects that address these issues.

Sparkling Science: Project “Recycling Heroes”

From September 1st, 2022, to August 31st, 2024, we are organizing the "Recycling Heroes" project as part of the "Sparkling Science" programme together with the Institute for Automation and Control Technology at the TU Wien, as well as the Vocational School for Electrical Engineering, Event Engineering and Information Technology Austria, the Vocational School for Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering and Electronics, the HTL Donaustadt and the TGM HTBLVA. The aim of this project is to use citizen science in schools to help promote the recycling economy in the electronics industry. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the OEAD - Agency for Education and Internationalization.

Roadmap Digital Humanism: Project “Trend”

During the various stages of a production process such as design, ordering or production, our cloud manufacturing platform will collect extensive amounts of information. As we are still in the further development phase of the platform, we aim to develop a roadmap within the project “Trend” to create a documented approach on how to integrate digital humanism principles into the core of the platform and its business case. The project is funded by the WWTF and the Vienna Business Agency as part of the programme "Roadmap Digital Humanism". What is meant by the term "Digital Humanism" in the city of Vienna can be read in this brochure.

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