bee market

The B2B marketplace for electronics manufacturing

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No more searching for manufacturers. This is how it works!

As a developer of an electronic product you simply upload your bill of materials, Gerber files and assembly instructions to our marketplace and we will guide you to suitable electronics manufacturers in your vicinity in just a few steps via an AI-supported search and ordering process. Using a chat tool, you can then contact the producers of your choice personally to exchange further details. An integrated component search and a production wiki with many helpful explanations do the rest to make your life easier. Of course, the security of your data is also taken care of. All marketplace users automatically accept a standardized non-disclosure agreement. This is also available in a customizable version on request.

Find suitable manufacturers in just a few steps

Here is an overview of how you can use our marketplace to find suitable manufacturers and component suppliers in your area. Through the automatic detection, mapping and enhancment of your data, we save both you, as an electronics developer, an immense amount of time when specifying your requirements and the manufacturers in the course of their quotation.

Direct exchange with manufacturers of your choice

Via our team chat, you can directly exchange information with the manufacturers of your choice on open questions and further details, obtain comparative offers and place your final order. A structured view of all order and quotation data as well as the entire communication process helps to keep all departments involved (technology, purchasing, etc.) at the same level of knowledge and to make every adaptation traceable in versioned form.


Here you can see the details of your order and switch between the manufacturers you are in exchange with.


In this column you can view, reject and accept offers as well as access all the data you have entered during the process. If you or the manufacturer make changes or upload new data, these are automatically versioned.


In the chat, all participants from your team can exchange information and files with all participants from the manufacturer's team. Every data change is documented in the chat and everybody is notified via E-Mail.

Your advantages at a glance

Simple search

After a simple file upload, you can quickly find suitable electronics manufacturers in your area in just a few steps.

Structured data

The uploaded data is enhanced by our software to simplify further processing by the manufacturers involved.

Direct communication

A team chat with structured data view helps to clarify details with manufacturers directly, view offers and place orders
